Angela Mitchell, Co-Founder of WISE is featured in the Loudoun, VA FY ’24 Economic Development Report. Check out her story and impact on pages 4 and 5.
WISE STEM Gabfest (Date: TBD)
Be on the look out for information for our next GABFEST.
National STEM Festival
The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with EXPLR, co-present the first-ever National STEM Festival, a celebration of student achievements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This event aims to highlight innovative student-led solutions addressing critical global challenges.
Mark your calendars for April 11-13, 2024, as the National STEM Festival will be held in Washington, D.C. Get More information here
STEM Expo – Sea Air Space
We are celebrating the return of our STEM Expo, now in its 7th year.
Geared toward 5th through 12th grade students, this free event inspires and empowers students interested in science, technology, engineering and math careers.
Students and parents are invited to enjoy interactive STEM workshops, hands-on demonstrations, STEM career information, networking opportunities and more.
Get More information here
WISE STEM Gabfest (Time: November 4th)
Our annual GABFEST was held November 4, 2023 from 9am -3 pm. The event was in collaboration with Purposeworx. The event will be the ONE DAY Conference for 2023.
STEM FEST is a fun-filled, educational event that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for elementary and middle school students. This event provides students with a chance to engage in hands-on activities that are related to STEM fields. Get more information here.
WISE STEM Gabfest (Date: November 5th)
Please join us for our STEM Gabfest titled “Preserving Our Mental Health while Pursuing Academic STEM Excellence”. Register at Eventbrite – https://wise-gabfeast.eventbrite.com/).
The Year of Fifty Leven (Time: October 8th)
Please join WISE in celebrating our board member Kindra Dionne on celebrating her first year of Fifty Leven wine. Here is a link to her website for more information – https://www.fiftylevencollection.com/
Summer Bridge:
Women In STEM (Time: July 17th – July 22nd)
For Information: https://www.radford.edu/content/csat/home/women-in-stem.html
WEBS Summer Science Camp (Time: July 24th – July 29th)
For Information: https://www.wilkes.edu/signature-events/women-empowered-by-science.aspx
2022 STEM Summer Institute (Time: July 24th – July 26th)
For Information: http://www.nysstemeducation.org/2022-stem-summer-institute/
Women In STEM Cybersecurity Symposium & Career Expo (Time: June 17th – June 18th)
2022 Women of Color Summer Engineering Camp (Time: June 13th – June 17th)
For Information: https://ceas.uc.edu/about/news-events/camps/women-of-color-summer-engineering-program.html
STEM Women Intel Insight Event (Time: May 25th)
For Information: https://careers.stemwomen.com/event/6223
WISE STEM Gabfest (Date: November 28th)
Please join us for our Back-2-School STEM Gabfest featuring Dr. Melanye Maclin “AKA Dr. Mac”. Register at eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/back-2-school-stem-gabfeast-tickets-165363413421)